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In the subsequent days of trading, the share price continued to decline until the transaction completed in August 17, NASDAQ lost nearly 900 points, fell to 4580 points on August 17 in. Although during this period was Ling-feng billions of dollars lost, but finally was successful oakley m frames pick out information from the upcoming big crash in the stock industry sector. The Cheap ray ban sunglasses U.S. government and the U.S. information industry related companies have their own sigh of relief, finally hanging Hanyu this misty Group in the United States to head a knife taken away, Oh, rest assured, as to the information industry sector stock prices fall, which oakley fuel cell expected, can afford.

Days of turmoil this is just the beginning of the disaster. In this week's Friday, after the stock market closed, all parties think that all come to an end next week, the information sector is bound to be strong. But a week after the stock started trading, but it is not like the fact that the development of oakley m frame lenses imagine, but the beginning of a sustained fall, eventually evolved into a veritable collapse of the dotcom bubble. The collapse of the dotcom bubble in an August to October 2002 a total of more than three years time, technology companies wiped out more than five trillion U.S. dollars in market capitalization.

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