Friday, May 23, 2014 burberry bags cxvq

After entering the body will warheads born severely deformed and even rupture, usually forming a mushroom shape, rapid release of energy, leading to human tissue appears trumpet-shaped or gourd-shaped wounds. This area is on the bullet wound area a hundred times, turns out to be extremely lethal terror. Within 100 meters of such dumdum was a direct hit, almost no room for survivors. Hit in the head is 100 percent mortality rate hit its ray ban sunglasses uk site also has more than 70% probability of death. Even playing in the limbs, but also a 20 % mortality rate, and require all amputation.

Because of the destructive power of the human body is too amazing, out of respect for the deceased and for the protection of human beings, in 1899, " the Hague Convention " was completely abolished and banned the use of such bullets in war again. ray ban sunglasses The reason for his departure specially ordered before this bullet, because the blood of the demon taking into account the particular constitution with a strong vitality. However, even if such bullets are not necessarily able to form a great harm to the demon blood, more like a normal bullet nowhere near it.

Even so, the formation of a bullet wound surface is also pitifully small, its power can not compare this to the fully constituted. If you replace the ordinary bullets, I'm afraid we can only break the skin only a little demon blood fills. Inlaid warheads on its body so that the blood of the demon ray bans accurately find the location, but it 's in the moment ray bans now, we saw that the bullet fired several flash simultaneously, followed then moved burberry bags over toward ray bans. Despite being surrounded by mounds surrounded by jungle, but as the center of the mound in the hundreds of meters, but it is not a tree can be obscured.

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