Friday, May 16, 2014 ray ban sunglasses mjrj

m national correspondent students will know the last thing in the South China Sea,Michael Kors outlet, in the media and even some people shouting in the South China Sea to let China died without burial,Michael Kors purses, but the end result is, m ** party suddenly came a hundred and eighty degrees in turn, the military cooperation with China, this thing that all experts stunned, which have speculated that there are any problems. The main view there are two, one is the Chinese people to compromise between them with m Guozheng fǔ had some secret agreement, the interest to be able to make the big people to abandon economic Nanhai m, m the country is well-known weakness, China m people can move naturally money, this skepticism is also the majority.

There is a perception that m people in the South suffered a major loss, although this aspect of minority views, but who is undoubtedly wise and sensible view, ray ban sunglasses in fact, the reason is very simple, m people's strategy has always been so, T Bay as a weapon to suppress China best, no matter what the conditions are not impress the people of this strategy m. China although the money, but money can not more to buy the entire Bay T and T Bay is also meant for people Michael Kors bags m Pacific strategy will be shaken.

M people as a potential rival,Michael Kors handbags, one is y country, but the economic drag, making the country had not y that empire the sun never set, and now on to the Chinese military has been ranked after Ross and e. F country is also a rival, but the relationship with the country F m between countries has been very good, and there are alliances of friendship between the two countries, and the people itself is a 1ang F Man of the nation, is not very good fight, but in m gap with the country's military is large, with y country is basically one level, so people do not have to worry m.

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