Wednesday, January 22, 2014 kibt Master, what is this place ? Why so abundant world of Reiki ? Hutie Feng Li Tianyu asked, staring surprised. coach outlet Do not know what is this place, coach factory catch here is the soul of the beast orang found orang soul even dare to chase the beast, first do so much, and still make time to exercise our powers to heal. Li Tianyu began on the floor of the yuan, is preparing to exercise our powers to heal. Etc., the owner, you just did not dare say orang Hunshou catch here ? Wei Yang Tian suddenly face upheaval, anxiously staring Li Tianyu asked.

Master, there is absolutely bizarre, you think, ah, here is the deep wilderness of ancient forests, since orang Hunshou dare chase, indicating this is definitely a higher order than the orang soul soul of the beast beast territory...... Wei Yang Tian quickly explained. The old guard, coach factory outlet mean here the bird Hunshou eight bands may be the soul of the beast ? nike Hutie Feng heard also face upheaval, coach factory and Wei Yang days are like Oil Stick figure on experience and experience a lot more than Li Tianyu, soon saw the key problem. Dark Guzhu echoed nodded.

Li Tianyu heard dubious road. Master, this is definitely not so simple, as such the coach factory first four to scout out, and so there is no higher order to determine the soul of the beast, and then how to find a safe place to practice ? Wei Yang Tian put forward their own proposals. OK, coach factory went to scout out the situation here. Li Tianyu heard nodded, quickly flew through the air, as of now the location of the center, began to spread of a probe up. Wei Yang days and dark soul contract Guzhu quickly summon beast, riding in the back with the soul of the beast in Li Tianyu behind.

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