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( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) In addition to a few hardcore later imperial system, virtually no one shouting Song Ling Shan this thing called the captain as children, while the Kursk as an outsider can be called a captain, it makes my heart feel better Song Ling Shan lot of time to look at Kursk naturally pleasing to the eye a lot. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) tory burch factory outlet tory burch factory outlet Just know if the jump abruptly, then perhaps now only bones !( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Song Zhiyun see thirteen princess make eye sè, will take the hint and nodded, then pulled out from the storage space of a full scale iron beast body, then took out a section of the wire tory burch factory outlet tied to the wire on the head of the horned beast iron scale, then slammed directly into the animal's corpse thrown into the scale of that pool inside. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Song Zhiyun this series will move direct descendant of the royal family except a few who all gave their tory burch factory outlet nong stunned, we were a little confused Song family really want to do, but in that iron scale after entering the body of the beast pool, very calm pools that had suddenly boiling up, a lot of bubbles into the water from the iron scaly beast roll out position, is followed by a bright red blood in the water spread, although due to the pool extremely muddy Yen sè blood is not obvious, but this change has not escaped the water waterside spiritual masters eyes.

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