Wednesday, January 22, 2014 nike shoes for women ylgi Xu Lin were reported after the finish got a little coding and a booklet,Oakley australia, pamphlet written above is PVP contest rules, coding is shown in a number: 6222450. Xu Lin, a sixth more than one million players signed up, and now is just the beginning of the first day of registration, we can imagine in the end how much popular players of the day will be more than ten million enrollment. Xu Lin opened a selection of new warrior race five words printed booklet, the first page was written PVP mode.

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Fighting is cruel ah. After reading the PVP mode,Cheap Oakley Sunglasses, bamboo sword said aloud. It also gave an opportunity to the weak into the top 000, or words of hope are all singled out the weak little progress, and the strong and stronger by allowing viewers to look cool despite the collision, but no doubt a pity, especially the two a promising player has won the preliminaries when encountered together, is it bad luck to die. Said also, which gave space weak forward, do not let too strong stuck. Bamboo sword nodded.

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