Thursday, October 23, 2014

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Your body is affected by the parents, wounding limbs who is a felony. Li Changan nodded, but it is readily agreed. Both of them are along the way, its ray ban outlet each temple are similar to the second temple, the temple has numerous small hell, all because of his lifetime to do evil things, death will have to suffer in hell to reduce crime. Such as murder, theft, false accusations, blackmailer, but it is to be under the pan hell. Filial disobedience were also subject to Tiezhui fight, fire tongue of punishment. Yang Shi- murder, arson, chopped twist Dhamma who, with hollow copper piles, chain hold its sibling, Shanhuo burning, hot ember darling, then send Avici torture.This is the tenth house of the king of the rotation, but also for the last 10 Temple Hall. The temple and the first temple in general, what the hell did not set up. But each of the main hall, but it is filled with numerous world record book. Recorded in many books, records the population of the world Kyushu, and the person duong tho, in the world of good and evil, and so on, all in detail. Whether human pawns, or the world emperor, to the government being, there are record. Li Changan it is like to see a record book to see all the kingdoms of the king of this, just to reach out. Hearts reflect, to the government of the matter, ray ban sunglasses outlet that is no authority to interfere.

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Then, also in Bida Fu album recorded hooked a fortune, to overcast soldier, said, sent to Qingzhou well-off home. Ins and Outs, dozens of trial, the number of good and evil begin with, there is reincarnation as * people who have reincarnated into a pig, and so forth. Somehow, it is concerning men sighed. Emperor Why sigh ? cheap ray ban Sunglasses Sigh is because the fixed number is approaching, ray ban sunglasses outlet but not changed. Since it is a fixed number, then why change ? Yin died a language, forced Li Changan mind a move. Those months Guizu, front is countless scenery, after the death of good and evil things, is still vivid in my mind, but it is a set number dictates, shall not escape.

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