Thursday, October 16, 2014

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Han Fu,nike air max, who crossed the sewage,cheap nike free run, the Jiuhou city, Wu Cheng, gingerly out of the territory of Ye County, all the way in a hurry Rush, a few days to reach the north shore of the Yellow River Liyang. Yang Li Weijun genus previously fell to Qu Yi, Yuan Shao, although not across the river, but did not give up, life Qu Yi Jiang Bing thousand stationed here, is Han Fu, who went directly to the county after reaching Liyang. I heard Jizhou Qu Yi Han Fu asked to see his face indescribably wonderful. Two former master and servant, yesterday's opponents, today I do not know how to describe people in Liyang county meet, sat silent for a long time, to be honest Han Fu driven to distraction to see the way to Qu Yi There were also steel -hearted bear, imposing a the main states, where as this ?

See it like a dragon general turbidity, Yuan Shao into the memories of them. Yan Xi eight years ( AD 165 ) in April to Yanxi nine years ( AD 166 ) in April, a full year, the Yellow River suddenly become crystal clear. "Beijing 's easy" goes: water clear, the world is flat, there are folk proverb goes: Yellow clear, sage out. However, Han did not wait to Taiping People's Idea country, nor like a saint, and so is the first disaster to restrain the party. nike shoes sale, Changed the fate of many people, including Yuan Shao.

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