Friday, November 29, 2013 air jordan uygz

Britain and the United States were sent a note of the date,cheap nike air max, advised not to expand in North disputes. U.S. Secretary of State Hull and note the countries quickly issued a statement, representation on the international situation and the attitude of the United States, does not advocate the use of force, non-interference in internal affairs, compliance with national treaty. The weak position, so that the Chinese government and Chiang Kai-shek very disappointed, but also to see the true face of the so-called democracy and freedom of the country. Chiang then in Lushan, talk to foreign reporters published publicly affirm the solemn position to solve the problem in North China : First, any solution must not infringe on China 's sovereignty and territorial integrity ; Second, Ji Cha administrative organization can not be changed without lawful ; Third, the central send local officials, such as Sung Che-yuan, etc., can not be trampled demanding the dismissal ; Fourth, the 29th Army currently stationed in areas not subject to any constraints.

7:00 pm, Lushan U.S. House. Because many Chinese and foreign reporters flocked to the various junctions leading to the U.S. House are set up picket tight around the U.S. House, everywhere lean heavily armed guards. Simple Dinner over, Chiang Kai-shek and Pai Chung-hsi, An Yi, Yingqin villa on the grass in front of a walk, An Yi did not like the side of a face plate Yingqin, but still maintain proper manners. This morning the First World War, An Yi and Pai Chung-hsi is a detailed review of the Fifth Corps battle plan and agree on was expanded after Chiang Kai-shek, Chiang Kai-shek was the sole cause of the accident is cheap nike air max 90 did not expect this one to be made as soon as possible to promote air jordan Sung Che-yuan Department choice, to achieve the purpose of the whole war, morale, military displays air max 1 indomitable determination of the local small-scale counterattack, will dispatch two main divisions and a heavy artillery group, but did not expect victories achieved would be so great that Chiang Kai-shek is brushing sluggish for a long time when you received the news of the front line, leaving a mouthful of bubble sliding chest.

Noriyuki air max 1 Can the country to recruit and train new recruits this one next ? That a pass North of Chiang war, suddenly asked Yingqin opinion. ] 0 } } 0 ]. ~ Li } } Yingqin bowed his head for a moment to consider, knowing that this time can not refuse to Chiang Kai-shek, immediately said : Yes, but Yichang, Hanzhong two line of business recruitment and training of new recruits, or to maintain the status quo as well. Yichang situation over there a little special, An Yi generals persist for a year, also built the largest army training base in the short term, General Yang Hanzhong area just to get started, and the second in the NCO school Zhengxunchu Army Command and munitions great assistance back office, built a second air max 1 army recruits training base.

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