Saturday, September 28, 2013

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Tse Ying, who arrived, so many are greeting, but nobody asked Tse Ying doing here so late. Rudian after Tse Ying Ching Lin put out the saints of the phase space, placed in the middle of the ceremony, attracted three days ape burst praise. And the house four weeks after asking days from poly cloth Ling array, arranged around the saint 's relative invisibility array, grabbing interest array, and then left to their own room in the north inner breath cloth stealth front, grabbing interest array, hiding Ling array of three matrix. After all, the use of teaching sentiment Tse Ying says Robert 's Road I would occasionally enter violet space, which is the biggest secret Tse Ying, even four days ape, Tse Ying does not intend to let christian louboutin discount know, but did not in the usual Tse Ying Ching Lin entered the space in front.

These matrix an arrangement has been successful, they consume hundreds of low-grade Tse Ying Ling Jing, who got left twenty-four now in spiritual goods of several pieces of crystal and a low-grade crystal spirit ! Fortunately, these small matrix are auxiliary matrix, spiritual power consumption is not, and a large array of yin and yang, not running, just before they occur. This spirit of hundreds of low-grade crystal, no accidents can sustain fifty to one hundred years. Unfortunately Need Lingjing only legend, or to maintain the best soul crystal matrix, will be able to maintain forever. The return...... thank Ka miss the feeling that until now regarded run almost the same, and its cheap christian louboutin own Huai old, Han and Xie Lie et al processing, Xie Xie clan patriarch shadow though, everyone is also clear, Tse Ying but hang a name, as the spiritual leader of the Tse family, is also tied to the Tse Ying Xie family chariot.

At home,, Tse Ying does not practice immediately, but to send out the Zen Yuan Ye Gong " five aggregates Heart Sutra." Five aggregates, also translated as Wu Yin or five public, meaning that the accumulation of both five aggregate, inclusive. Buddhism says that is color, form, feeling, and consciousness, here it is Five Elements Five Elements, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, ghosts, demons five meaning. As we all know, everyone has their own property, including property, the more practice, the slower ; while worldly Wan France also divided property, if different attributes while practicing exercises, not only with students, but also relative to g, and easy obsessions, blasting to death.

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