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Until now, she found that he actually was a child then ? Former home, brother, sister in her thirties mental age seems to have just kids, and now suddenly discovered that his body is really small ! Principals uncle, chair too short, see. Lele stood write on it. Ah - and stood write so many papers, too tired ! Now it began to write it ! nike factory outlet And father, mother waiting outside the way to look at the time. Having mom and dad took out a long bench to sit outside, whispered conversation something.

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Lele finished yet ? Just think of yellow Lele God, principals uncle saw at the door, toward she asked. Oh, and has been done. Uncle correcting it ! Yellow Lele As he finished speaking, the principal uncle 's mouth that was the boss, half an hour, done for the papers ! Those students spend three hours to test, is not it time for schools to give too much of it ? Large step to the office and began marking yellow Lele papers, Professor Chen is to a greater surprise ! This Huang 's children, how is it so resistant to it ?

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