Saturday, April 6, 2013

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Liu Yu found, the view is immediately changed under the excitement, holding books in hands, even with trembling. Liu seeing this, quickly Fu Liu Yu sat in my chair, speechless inquired: Pak brother Michael Kors handbags how? Liu Yu ignore Liu questioning, pointing of the TV drama "the Three Rituals Note scared voice asked: the book is really written by Kang Chenggong? Liu Then I understood that Liu Yu is how, feeling that Liu Yu like the modern groupie, see the signature of his idol, a little excitement. Liu smiling nod said: writings precisely Kang Chenggong. One Liu Yu Liu's remarks, a stone of the heart is finally off the ground. Liu Yu look at this book, not as just as contempt, then it is highly prized it held onto the book, put it down. His mouth constantly remembered: the treasured book Yeah, BAOSHU that.

Which Liu Yu not seen the contents of the "Three Rituals Note may directed at the people of the Notes, the name of Kang Chenggong, Liu Yu think this book can not go wrong.Michael Kors purses, Liu Yu on the Kang Chenggong, but admired for a long time, knows only too well. This Kang Chenggong was surnamed Zheng, name mysterious word Yasunari Beihai density (now Gaomi County). Born emperor Yongjian two years, their family background was originally very prominent. Its well Zu Mingjiao the Zheng Guo word sub-believers, but the disciples of Confucius, later called the Qu (qu drainage) Mountain Hou. Eight generation of Zheng Xuan Zheng Chong, the word sub tour. Density Han, Ai official Book Pushe that Zheng Chong human outspoken, popular with Ai trust and reuse, often with the then eunuch, Sachiomi, DONG Xian battle, and later was eloquent minister framed tragic death in prison. Kang Chenggong was born, the Cheng family has been some decline, Mr Paul Kang Chenggong's grandfather, father, Cheng Jin, are not official career, farming in the countryside, home life is relatively poor.

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