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After half a day ray ban uk finally reached the destination. Shibayama, it really is the first day we prove this Shibayama ah Tang Fang Island is issued such a feeling. TANG Fang idiot but the island is not really wonderful. In a radius of nearly the entire island, but it is on the island give birth to a strange mountain. This is a very unique mountain style, the next big small, straight into the sky. From afar Jingru a Ganoderma general. At this time leaving Fang Tang surprise on this huge mountain like Ganoderma general actually written years glazed Chi - species unknown.

Actually really is a Ganoderma. Fang Tang was actually a huge flower in front of Ganoderma to the startled grandmother Ganoderma take such a big one that was able to drink soup boy ! Founder Don YY forward, but it is behind a person to push one. Hurry, do not stop this highway. Fang Tang did not care. Steps to keep the Sanshandao team. ray ban sunglasses Speeding all the way much will, is to this foot Shibayama. Tang Fang stood under Shibayama looked up, and what a spectacular ah. Then gently Taoist previous meal that purple robe and said: Go ahead, each with their own ability to go up.

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