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Lantern years ( 761 years ),ghd iv styler, the Ministry of Jiedushi Hou Xiyi forced to Shi Chaoyi, south Ziqing ( Qingzhou ), from Ziqing have Ping Lu 's number. State level - that is the name of the late Han Liaodong the state level. Northern state level for the camp to the old state, a separate state level. Where the rule of the Tang lulong ( now Hebei ). Ping Jiang Fu - Huizong levy and three years ( 1113 ) l Suzhou Ping Jiang House. Binh Duong - Sui former Pingyang, Shanxi Linfen in this southwest ; starting from Sui, in this Linfen. Pyongsong - in this northeastern Shanxi Datong, when he was the capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty.Texas plains once the Sui and Tang County, cure Andrews, now the Shandong Ling. Han and Tang County area is not exactly plain. Pingliang - Sixteen States Former Qin home Pingliang County, Pingliang legacy in this county northwest. Yin Wei moved Governance quail (now Huating West ), territory out there. Sui and Tang once Wonju to Pingliang County, Guyuan where this rule, Pingliang only one county in the state. Gold set Pingliang government, rule this county. Ping Krupp Drainage - Cao Cao when the canal opened Wuhuan attack on the starting call stokes ( ie Hutuohe ), down into the arc of water ( ie River upstream and downstream into the sea at this Tianjin ).

Dajianlu - Qing Yongzheng set Dajianlu hall,ghd MK4, governance Dajianlu, term of Kangding. Hit sacrifice Siniora - formerly the Ministry of Ula Ula Ming Haixi Jurchen city in Jilin North wulajie today. Nurhachu off Siniora, renamed hit sacrifice Siniora. Dongchuan - Tang Zhide years ( 757 years ) of Jiannan Dongchuan, Nishikawa, each set Jiedushi. Dongchuan rule Azusa ( now Sichuan Santai ), the area in central Sichuan Basin. Dongping - Han has Dongping country, Southern for the county, no salt treatment (now Shandongdongping East ).

Song Yun Xuan and when the state of Tung Ping House,ghd online, the rule required the city, now the Dongping. Soochow - refers to the three Sun louis vuitton bags Wu, Suzhou is also another name. Dongpo - in this Huanggang East. Exile Song Su Shi Huang Zhou, because place names take a number, called Dongpo. Fairmont - Bo Yuan to the state for the Fairmont Road, Liaocheng rule (now Shandong ). Tokyo - ① Eastern Han Dynasty, Northern Zhou, Sui, Tang Luoyang as Tokyo ( Sui, Tang, also known as the East are ). ② There Tokyo Bohai original Dragon House, Hunchun in Jilin eight Citylink today. ⑧ Five Dynasties to the Northern Song Dynasty Kaifeng Tokyo.

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