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Druid monks believe that mistletoe can cure almost all kinds of diseases. Said the Ainu ( also called the Ainu people, said the Hokkaido and Sakhalin indigenous ) are also considered mistletoe help to cure for virtually all diseases, it seems the Ainu, mistletoe drugs sometimes ghd australia if mistletoe for food consumption, sometimes with a single flavor Aoyao cheap ghd straightener do. Swiss farmers believe that mistletoe is a panacea, at least with the sick children who can cure all diseases. Druid monks believe that in order to make the infertility pharmaceutical modulation mistletoe cow fertility ; ancient Italians nike air max 90 believe that mistletoe can help pregnant women to wear.

Ainu suppose mistletoe has so fertile garden produce power. Therefore, the people of chopped mistletoe leaves, prayer, most of the crushed leaves and millet and its ghd hair straightener australia seed sown together, then mix in a small number of foods to eat. And the Italian people, the Ainu believed mistletoe make infertile women fertility, infertility in women and therefore eating mistletoe Ezo, good and fertility. Roman scholar Pliny had mentioned that grow on oak mistletoe medical effectiveness strongest. Some who believe in superstition, saying the child be taken to a particular oak mistletoe has a special function, treat sheep epilepsy.

Legend of mistletoe to treat stomach ulcers, gastric ulcer therapy is to allow the patient to chew part of mistletoe, and lay it on top of cheap ghd straightener the rest of the mistletoe, so be the best effect. In the summer solstice in the morning, residents of Piedmont and Lombardy will go out looking for oak leaves, oak leaves made ​​use of the drug called " St. John 's Oil", is said to heal all wounds. " St. John 's Oil" probably had only a mistletoe or mistletoe rule into Aoyao. Druid monks believed that mistletoe could detoxification.

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