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Also, I heard that Liu 's relatives censor your lady, right ? Jen princes suddenly asked. QIN Yumentioned seem to remember a thing, she had a cousin in when the censor in Kyoto, but has not yet gone to visit, so I asked to hear Jen princes, busy: yes, just come to Kyoto has been relatively busy, but also never visited before. He now men do worse in cheap nike air max 90 nike air max 90 can be more close to close, but others would not you so clever. Jen princes faint. Jen princes wait QIN Yu replied, self-serving and walked out the back door, a nice moment, just that lovely woman came and went, and now face fawn color do go, solemnly watching QIN Yu.

The woman smiled and said: If there is anything in the future, which would come on nike air max 95. QIN Yu nodded, pushed out the door. The door behind him came the word loud and lovely sound Qin son, remember the next visit, you can not collect the money. QIN Yu almost a shiver, did not fall at the door, this is what people ah, close the door to serious, open the door sensuality, really worthy of undercover bitch. QIN Yu Yue look out bitterly Spring Institute, a hospital Yue Chun, QIN Yu feelings of how easy it is not up, and now nike air max 90 a little from the third grade, caught in the middle of many forces, some even confused himself nike air max longchamp 90, originally became an enemy is a friend, originally enemies become friends, nike air max 90 want to curry favor with straight Xu Qing, did not expect to curry favor with the emperor, but many of these people seem to draw their own, and the emperor was not a line.

Thought here, QIN Yu hearts of a fever. Ye Ruoxi and benevolence princes sit opposite. Ye Ruoxi bowed, princes a back Fuchu, sent and called her over, she feels ill at ease, whether QIN Yu promised princes, she did not much certainty. Ye Ruoxi whispered: princes, QIN Yu agreed to it? Jen princes grunted, Ye Ruoxi heart sank. Although the surface is not rejected, but the feeling of the nike air max 90 nike air max 90 not really work for the king. Jen princes tone some frustration. Ye Ruoxi heard the remark, hearts delight, these words mean that the princes QIN Yu did not refuse.

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