Thursday, August 1, 2013

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So the minister can only be swallowed their anger and go! Liu Xie Xun squint looked up and down for a while, see ghd straightener slightly sweaty brow has previously been indifferent share of cunning no deposit, hearts smile, no matter Xun said is true or false, four hundred thousand money plus five one thousand horses, has long been beyond their budget at first, so do not do things that cost is a fool, the moment quietly authentic: This is the money plus five thousand four hundred thousand horses. nodded his head: that I will look at on the face of Mr. reluctance it!

Liu Xie Mei curtain a pick, it seems that this Xunyou touches left hand, was originally thought to have five thousand horses, now listen to your own cheap ghd This means it is gone, you can hear the Xunyou actually said by a person to exchange hearts playing drums, the five thousand horses? Do Cao Guo Jia Guo Fengxiao intends to use to change, and if so is it not himself made a big profit? But then I thought, but no possibility, can not help but full of doubts and asked: a man for five thousand horses? That I'd like to see whether this person is worth the few slightly!

Ultimately fail?, Then, after the 2nd instant, because Liu deal from the Association, Liu Yuan jointly funded collaborative four families, and Liu Xie also make the court took a small molecule funds run Jian daily, this proposal Province in the Central Secretariat and subglottic unanimously, just two days' time approval has been issued, so proceed rites handed down, so Jung, Mi Heng Wang Wen led the rush of thousands of children at night to catch and finally in the sixth, when the first phase of the world five thousand volumes Jian daily to the price of each roll two full money market!

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